Fellow/Diplomate Application DetailsAreas of Practice | Specialty/Service | Core Competencies | Exam Prep | Letters of ReferenceDEFINITION OF AREA(S) OF PRACTICEMembers listed in the online member directory may list Area(s) of Practice with the specialty/service being designated as numbers within the Area(s) of Practice (e.g. B-5). The Areas of Practice are listed below A through F. A) Workers’ Compensation SPECIALTY/SERVICESThe following specialties and services are within the scope of one or more areas of practice shown above. A specialty or service is included in an area of practice.
CORE COMPETENCIESVocational Assessment
Forensic Vocational Practice Venues and Systems
Professional Standards and Practice
EXAM PREPBelow are resources available to new applicants invited to take the certification exam to enhance their knowledge about vocational forensic testimony.
LETTERS OF REFERENCEA minimum of three Letters of Reference documenting your years of experience providing expert opinion in a forensic setting (i.e. attorneys, judges, hearing officers, arbitrators, etc.) Letters speaking to experience as a Social Security Vocational Expert will not be considered an acceptable letter of reference.